Standards Used to monitor Air Purity
Every quarter a sample of air is provided to Aquatron Breathing Air Systems based in Glasgow for the purpose of ensuring that the air supplied by Puffin Dive Centre to it's customers meets the legal obligation to COSSH and regulation EH40 (among others). The sample is collected by a technician in a purpose made low pressure air container which is then dispatched via the post direct to Aquatrons analysis centre in Glasgow. The air sample container is "flushed" with air from our compressor system and then a sample is captured and sealed.
The analysis takes place by Aquatron technicians under controlled conditions and a report together with a certificate confirms the outcome of the test. The new certificate when received is displayed at Puffin Dive Centre in the Kit Rental store for public viewing.
Occasionally "spikes" occur. In the example shown below a carbon Dioxide "spike" is clear. The reason is most likely that the sample has been taken towards the end of the filter medias life cycle. ie if the various chemicals in the air filtration process have a life of say 80 hours and the sample is at the beginning then the figure may be lower than if the sample is taken at say 70 hours. Provided that the "spike" is within the acceptable tolerance then the air sample is still safe. The standards are rigorous and meet the latest European Standards. The sampling process and analysis provided by Aquatron are excellent in both efficiency and cost effectiveness. The analysis provides an internationally recognised result from an impeccable source. We have used the system for many years and have run alongside alternatives such as random sampling and in house testing. All of these have not reached the same standard and some do not provide the independent third party corroboration of purity that we seek.
In terms of Risk Assessment and action by us to manage the risk we are satisfied completely with this system.
30 Stanley Street
G41 1JB
tel: 0141 429 5902
fax: 0141 429 5364
The Aquatron Website address -
E-mail Aquatron at
The HSE have relevant Breathing air standards for instance amendments to standards required for SCUBA or Surface Demand Air quality can be viewed at
Many PDC staff have gas blending certification and their relevant qualifications are maintained on their details page however the senior staff responsible for issuing internal authority to blend or fill at PDC have their certificates shown to satisfy BOC or gas provider requirements.