Project Aware

Don’t let your dives go to waste! Grab your mesh bag, scuba gear and data card to make #EveryDiveaSurveyDive and contribute to the #NextMillion2020 goal!

Litter Clean PDC Oban

Project AWARE Courses with Puffin Dive Centre 

We offer PADI Specialty courses authored by Project AWARE to help divers lead action on marine debris prevention, shark and ray protection and help you make a difference for ocean protection. 

The Dive Against Debris Specialty
Do you want to learn how to make a difference on every dive you take but not sure where to begin? Gain the knowledge and skills to activate your inner citizen scientist and complete regular Dive Against Debris® surveys under the guidance of a PADI Professional by taking the Dive Against Debris Specialty.

The Project AWARE Specialty
The revised Project AWARE Specialty course is an introduction to Project AWARE as a global movement for ocean protection. It focuses and expands on the 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the Ocean Planet to provide guidance and help you make a difference for ocean protection every time you dive, travel and more. Remaining as a dry course it is ideal to engage divers and non-divers alike as well as a perfect solution to those bad weather days!