Gallanach Wall
Optimum Dive States: Can be dived at all states of tide. High tides bring easiest access and clearest waters. Watch for stronger Flood tide current at corner of bay
Recommended Minimum Qualification: AOW+ Deep wall with 30mtr+ depths as required. Good buoyancy required.
Important Ancillary Equipment: SMB is recommended. Dive torch for deeper dives
Description: Wall dive with steep slope down beyond 40mtrs depth. Lots of interesting debris from old wooden pier.
Popular Route: Descend at purple mooring and follow 19mtr contour with wall on your right to find pipes for swim through. Head shallower to approx. 14mtrs for swim home to find old wooden wreckage from lost pier.
Areas of Interest: Swim through large construction pipe parallel to shore at 19mtrs
Silt Hazard: Silty bottom – keep good buoyancy off the bottom to reduce silt. Shadow from hillside makes the site dark.
Sea Life Usually Abundant: Pollock, Scallops, Sea Urchin, Star fish
Sea Life Expected: Pipe fish, Nudibranch, Squat Lobster, Octopus
Sea Life Possible: Conger Eel, Lobster, Sea Mouse