How do I apply for a job at Puffin Dive Centre?
Go to the JOB APPLICATIONS page and complete the PDC CV & application form. Even if a specific job is not advertised, please feel free to apply.
How do I submit my application?
Applications should be may be sent by email - this method as this shows to some extent familiarity and capability with the IT methodology and is relatively quicker and can be replied to sooner.
How long should I wait after applying?
Applications, typically take between 5 and 10 days and may result in one or 2 phone calls to you discussing various aspects of the position.
What happens next?
An invitation to attend an interview at Puffin Dive Centre. These normally last for between one and 3 days. Puffin Dive Centre will pay for the accommodation and food, during this visit. This gives you ample opportunity to establish all aspects of the position in a relaxed atmosphere. During this visit you may be asked to dive, or demonstrate some of the items shown on your application. Sometimes, for one reason or another, your interview is unsuccessful, however you may be invited to reapply when a more suitable option becomes available.
What happens after the interview?
The result of the interview will be communicated to you, between 3 and 5 days after the interview. The delay is so that consideration can be given to the position, by you and us. Staff that have come into contact with you during the interview will give opinion, typically regarding the involvement and attitude you have shown. As you will have to work with the same staff, it makes sense that all parties are compatible - at least at the outset! The start date will have been discussed at the interview and it can now be finalised. A letter confirming appointment will detail the next step.
Where can I get an update on the progress of my application?
You can e-mail a request for progress at any time, however the procedure that Puffin Dive Centre adopts will generally, only come to an agreed conclusion after which you will be immediately notified, therefore if you have not heard the conclusion has not been reached! If your circumstances are changing or have changed, it may be beneficial for us to know and an e-mail detailing the change would be useful.
Where should I send my application?
Your application should be sent by e-mail including all of the details attached to: mike@puffin.org.uk
Where can I get the application?
Advice on the best form of application, laid out in the way we would prefer is contained on our JOB APPLICATIONS page.
When applying, do I have to state all medical conditions or accidents that I have had in the past?
We would advise you to do this, as good current health and fitness consistent with the requirements of the job are important to both of us. A HSE Diving Medical will be required, in any case for diving staff and non diving staff may be required to have a pre employment medical check.
How do I withdraw or cancel my application?
If you have submitted your application and you wish to withdraw it, please e-mail your details to us at: mike@puffin.org.uk we will withdraw the application for you. Please include your details and the reason you wish to withdraw.
If my application is withdrawn, will this be held against me?
If you choose to withdraw your application, this will not be held against you, nor will it affect other applications at a future date.
Does Puffin Dive Centre offer Work Experience?
Candidates would need to e-mail initially to show their interest, from which a decision can be made.
How does experience effect my application?
Experience is sometimes important and specifically required for the position. Many of the positions held successfully at Puffin Dive Centre have been applied for and achieved by individuals who have not had direct or specialist experience in the area originally applied for.
How does age effect my application?
Diving requires basic levels of fitness and if your prime application choice involves diving, then a valid medical certificate from an HSE Doctor will be required.
Other non diving activities, require a level of fitness and capability for the task. Promotions and success is based on ability and capability, not age.