AED Defibrilator Training
What is an AED and why would I want to learn about it?
An Automated External Defibrillators (AED) is an easy-to-use portable machine that automatically analyses a patients heart rhythm and detects when a shock is needed to restore a normal heart rhythm. AED units dramatically increase the survival rate of these patients. Because early intervention is so important for these patients, many businesses, government agencies, recreational facilities and public places are making AEDs readily available for properly trained personnel.
What is the recommended AED training component?
Puffin Dive Centre includes the recommended AED component and gives participants practical experience in AED use as part of the EFR Primary and Secondary course, however, if you are looking to use an AED at work yo may want to complete our specific one day course for all methods of AED and CPR skills as part of your site risk assessment. Ask one of our instructors about including this training in your course.
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